NOTES NURSING & MEDICAL STUDENTS Notes for medical student and nursing student GALL BLADDER :- - introduction :- - it is pear shaped recerving of bile situated in fossa on the inferior suefaces of right lobe of liver . -the gall bladder is 7 to 10 cm long and 3 cm broad . - the capacity of gall bladder is 30 - 50 ml . part of gall bladder :- 1) fundus :- 2) body :- 3) neck :- 1) fundas :- - the fundas of gall bladder project beyond inferior surfaces of liver . 2) body :- the body of gall bladder present in the fosa of the liver . 3) neck :- - it is the situated to the systic duct which carry the bile from bladder to bilary duct . 4)cystic duct :- - is the 3 to 4 cm long it begins the neck of gall bladder and various a...
Notes for medical student and nursing student