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Anatomy for cell in human body cell

 NOTES NURSING & MEDICAL STUDENTS Notes for medical student and nursing student


-all living things are composed of cell .

-a single cell is a smallest unit that has the characteristics of the life .

-cell is the basic structure  & functional unit of the body .


structure of cell :-

-the cell is made up of three main part's :-

1) cell membrane 

2) cytoplasm 

3) nucleus 

cell membrane :-

-cell membrane is a protective sheet that enveloping the cell body it is aslo known  as plasa membrane or plasamalema .

- it is made up by double leyar of phospholipids which is having a molecules of sugar and protein.

-this membrane seprate the fluid outside of the cell fluid ( ECF)  and fluid present inside the the cell called as intra cellular fluid ( ICF ) 

- this membrane is semipermeable membrane so there is free exchage of cartan subtance between ICF to ECF .

-the thickness of the cell membrane is is 75 to 111 amphere .

composion of cell membrane :-

-the cell membrane composed as three type of substance .

1 protein 55 % 

2 lipid 40 % 

3 carbohydrate 5 %

function of cell membrane :-

1 ) cell membrane protein the cytoplasm and the organelles in the cytoplasm >

2) selective permeability:-

- cell membrane act as permiable membrane which alows only some substance to pass through it and act as barries for other substances . 

3) absorbtive fuction :- 

- nutrients are about into the cell throglty the cell membrane that is fat ,proteins, vitamins , & minerals .

cytoplasm :--

- cytoplasm of the cell is the jelly like material madeup by 80% of  water .

-it contains clear liquid protein called as cytoplasm and various particle of different shape & size these particles are protein liquid carbohydrate & some microorganisms . 

- cytoplasm is made up of two zones they are : -

 a) ectoplasm - periferal part of cytoplasm below the cell membrane . 

b) endoplasm :- inner fluid which   is present surrounding the nucleus .

function   of cytoplasm  :- 

-production of energy by the synthesis of glucose .

-storage and metabolism of calcium and colesterol .

- production of Estrogen and progesterone in female & testesteron in male .

-converson of glucose of glycogen.

- after phagocytosis killing of the microoganism .

- D toxifuction of drug . 

nucleus :- 

-nucleus is most prominent & largest cellular organ .

- diameter is 10 to 22  and occupies about 10% voukme of cell cytoplasm .

- the nucleus is present in all the cell of the body except the RBC  

EUKARYOTES :-  cell without nucleus. 

PROKARYOTES :-  cell with nucleus .

fuction of nucleus :-  

- majar fuction of nucleus is controls all the cellular activity within the cytoplasm and storage of heridiotary materials . 

- syntheisis of RNA  sending genetic information from generation to  next generation.


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