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Anatomy of pancreas (digestive system organ )

NOTES NURSING & MEDICAL STUDENTS Notes for medical student and nursing student 


introduction :- 

-it is capital J shaped structure it is a pale gary gland veing about 60 gram .

- it is 50 to 20 cm long .

- it situated in epigastric and left hypocondriac rigion .

- it is a gland  that is partly secrete pancreas acidic juice .

- endocrine part of pancreas hormone that is insulene .


External features of pancreas :-

 1 ) head of pancreas 

2) neck of pancreas 

3) body of pancreas 

4) tail of pancreas 

5) duct of pancreas 

1) head of pancreas :-

-the head is enlarged and lies within the C shaped curve of bed .

2) neak of pancreas :- 

-it is slightly constricted past which is presend between head and body of pancreas .

- it is directed forward & backward  it consist two surfaces :-

a) anterior -

b) posterior -

3) body of pancreas :- 

-the body of pancreas is elongated from neck to tail of pancreas and it is reconize easily becouse of lies of it colour that is while nize easily .

4) Tail of pancreas :-  

- it is left in of pancreas lies in front of slpeen .

Relations :- 

 Anterioly - stomach & abdominal wall

posterioly - abdominal aorta & inferior vena cava ,left kidney and adrenal gland .

superioly - diaphragm 

inferioly - transverse 

right laterial - curve of dedumnan 

left laterial - slpeen 

blood supply :-

1) pancreas artery supplies by pancreatic branch of spleenic artery .

2) superior pancreatic deodenal artery .

3) inferior pancreatic artery provide oxygenated blood the pancreas 

venous supply :-

- superior mesentric and portal vein recives deoxygenated blood .

nerve supply :- 

-sympetatic and parasympetatic nerve and the branches of vagus nerve .

function of pancreas :- 

1) digestive function :-

2) Endocrine function :-

3) B -cell :-

4) g a $ :- 

5) Exocrine :- 

Clinical Anatomy :-

-cancer of pancreas 

- dibetic coma


-dibetic malitus 


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