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Asthma ( respiratory disorder ) lungs disease



-bronchial asthma is a condition in which person airway become inflamed ,narrow & swell .

-it produces extra mucus .

-it makes difficulty in breathing .



                       "bronchial asthama is a chrionic , inflammatory disease of airway which are charaterized by the obstuctions of airflow, bronchial hyperactivity reversible & mucus production to certain stimuli " 


1) allergic asthma 

2) non -allergic 

3) mixed asthma 

4) cough varient  asthma 

5) exercise induced asthma 

6) nocturnal asthma 

1) allergic asthma : -

-allergic asthma is also known as atopic asthma or extrinsic asthma .

-it is induced by hyper immune response to a inhalation of specific allergens.

2) non -allergic :-

this type of asthma not related to allergens allergy such as air pollutioon ,cold heat ,weather smoke ,etc.

3) mixed asthma :-

-mixed asthma has characteristics by both allergic & non allergic asthma .

-mean it is induced by inhalations of both allergens & irritants .

4) cough varient  asthma :-

-CVA does not have the classic symptoms of asthma such as wheezing & shortness breath .

- CVA  is charaterized by one symptoms ,a persistant dry cough .

5) exercise induced asthma :-

-EIA affects people during or after physical activity .
-EIT can occure to classic asthma such sensitive to classic asthma such as dust pollen or pet dander .

6) nocturnal asthma :-

-this tpye of asthma is characterized is by asthma sympyoms that worsen at night 


-environmental factors ,chages in temperature air pollutions ,cigarate smooking 
-strong oder 
-allergic inhalations 
-stress & emotional
-hormonal changes 
-medications , aspirin , NASIDS 
-abnormal inspiratory 
-in approtory 
-air trapping 
- fiver 
-chest  &abdominal 
- headache
-history collection 
-physical examinations 
-chest x -ray 
- blood test 
-sputum collections 
-sputum cytology 
-status asthamatics 
A) medical management :- 
1)adrenegic agonis :-
2)antiinflamatory agent :-
3)anticolergenic ( short acting ):-
4)costicosteroids :-
B _2 agonist 
-atropin sulfnate  


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