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Anatomy & physiology of (WBC) white blood cell

 NOTES NURSING & MEDICAL STUDENTS Notes for medical student and nursing student

WBC :-    ( white blood cell ) 

- white blood cell or leucocyte are colourless & nucleated element of blood .

- as compare to RBC the WBC are large in size & lesser in number & role in define .

-mechanism of body & protect the body feom inbading microorganism by acting shoulder .


classification of WBC :-

-some of the wbc having granule in the cytoplasm based on opresence & absence of granules it classified into two types :- 

1) Granulocyte :- 

2) Agranulocyte :- 

1) granulocyte :-

-depending upon the stainig properite of granule the granulocyte are classified three type :-

a) Acidophil :- 

- neutrophil with granule , taking both acidic or basic stain .

b) basophil :- 

- it take acidic stain .

c) neutrophil :- 

- it take basic stain .

2) Agranulocytes :-

- the agranulocyte have plan cytoplasm without granules .

it having two type -

a) monocyte :- 

- monocyte are largest leucocytes with daimeter of 14 - 18 .

- monocyte is larger among all wbc .

- the cytoplasm is clear without granules .

- the nucleus of monocytes is horse shoes staped kidney shape bean shaped .

- nucleus is placed either in the center of the cell or pushed at one side & cytoplasm is very clear seen & it presend in large amount .

b) lymphocytes:- 

- like monocytes the lymphocytes aslo do not have granule in the cytoplasm .

- the nucleus is oval shaped / kidney / bean  shaped 

morphology of WBC :

1) neutrophils:-

- it is also known polymoph have fine granules in the cytoplasm .

- granules are acidic & basic stain when stain with leshman stain .

- the granules appear violet in colour .

- the no of lobes is divided is depend on age of cell .

- the younger neutrophils there is on lobe but in daimeter of neutrophils .

2) Eosinophils :- 

- eosinophils have larger granules in the cytoplasm .

- with stain pink or red means eosoinophils .

-nucleus is bilobed & the diameter various between contain larger granules.

3) basophils :- 

- basophils also have larger granules in the cytoplasm .

- the granules stain purple or blue with methylene blue & nucleus is also bilobed .

properties of WBC :-

1) Diapedesis :- 

- it is the process by which lymphocytes squeeze through norrow blood vessels it is knows daipedesis.

2) Amoeboid movement :-

-neutrophils , monocyte & lymphocytes shows amoeboid movement characterised by protrusion of cytoplasm & change in shape .

3) Amoeboid movement :-

-haemotaxis is the attraction od wbc toward the relesed at site of having .

 4) phagocytosis :-

- nutrophills & monocytes they engulf the foren material .

Function of WBC :- 

1 ) neutrophils :- 

- neutrophils are active cell & they protect from bacterial invesion & removal dead cell & debries from damaged tissue .

- removal of dead cells .

2) Eosinophils :- 

- Eosinophils capsule of phagocytosis are less active than neutrophils .

-the main role of eosinophils is eliminition of parasites from the blood role in allergic reactions .

3) basophill:-

- it involves in the process of inflamations 

4) monocyte :- 

- the main function of monocytes is phagocytosis .

- microphages have important function in inflamation & immunitye .


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