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Anatomy for lungs in respiratory systems

NOTES NURSING & MEDICAL STUDENTS Notes for medical student and nursing student


introduction :-

- lungs are a pair of respiratory organs situated in the thoracic cavity .

-the each lung innervates the corresponding pleural cavity .

- the lung young are brown or grey in color.

- they becomes mottled black because of the depositions of inhaled carbon particles .


relations of  anterior part :-

!Right side :-

1) right atrium 

2) small part of RV 


4)right brachiocephalic 

5) right vagus nerve 

6) right phrenic nerve 

7) trachea 

!Left side :-  

1) left ventricle 

2)pulmonary trunk 

3) arch of aorta 

4) descending thoracic aorta 

5) left vagus nerve 

6)left recurrent 

7)laryngeal nerve 

Gross anatomy of lung :-

-there are a pair of lung in the thoracic cavity .

-there are 3 lobes in the right lung and 2 lobes  in on left lung .

-there are two fissures in right lung , oblique and horizontal fissures .

-left lung has only one oblique fissures.

-each lung is covered by pleura base .protected by thoracic skeleton .

-each lung has an apex ,a broad base or infrior surface ,sharp anterior border ,and sharp inferior border .

- each lung has sterno costal surface , diaphragmatic surface and mediastinal surface.

-right lung is shorter than left due to right lobe of liver pushing the right lung superiorly .



Borders :-

1) Anterior border :- 

-corresponds to the anterior  " costomediastinal" line of pleural reflection .

-it is deeply notched in the left lung posterior to 5 th costal cartilage by the pericardium extends vertically downwards to from lingula . 

2) Inferior border:- 

-thin and shaep 

-it separate the base of lung from the costal surface and extends into phrenicocotal sinus .

3) posterior border :-

-thick and ill defined .

-fits into deep paravertebral gutter 

-extends from C7 to T10 .

Surfaces of lung :-

1) costal surfaces :-

-it is in contact with the costal pleura and overlying thoracic wall.

2) medial surfaces :- posterior , ventebral part ,anterior ,mediastinal part.

Horizontal fessure :-

it extends from anterior margin at the level of the 4 th costal cartilage .

- runs horizontally backwards to meet the oblique fissure in the mid - axillary line .

-pulmonary pleura extends into the fissure of lungs so that  the lobes can move on each other during respiration .

fissures and lobes of the lungs:- 

- the oblique fissure cuts into whole thickness of the lungs, except at the hilum.

-due to the oblique plane the fisssure , the lower lobe is more posterior and the upper and middle lobe more  anterior .

- in the right lungs the horizontal fissure passes from the anterior border upto the oblique fissure and separates a wedge shaped middle lobe from the upper lobe .

- the tongue shaped projection of the left lung below the cardiac notch si called  lingula.

- the presence of the oblique fissure of the each lung allow a more uniform expantion of the whole lungs .

Broncho pulmonary segments :-

1) these are well defined sectors of the lung each of which is aerated by a tertiary or segmental bronchus .

2) each segment is pyramidal in shape with its apex directed toward the root of the lung .

3) these bronchopulmonary segments  are independent respiratory units.

Blood supply of lungs :- 

1) Arterial supply :-

the right side there is on bronchial artery which arises from either the third posterior intercotal artery or from the upper left bronchial artery.

-the left side there are two brochial arteries both of which arises from the decending thoracic aorta .

-there are pre capillary anastomoses between bronchial and pulmonary arteries .

2) vagus drainage :-

-the usually are two bronchial veins on each side ,the right bronchial vein drain into the azygous vein.

-the left bronchial vein drain either into the left superior intercostal vein or into hemi azygous vein.

-the greater part of the venous blood from the lung is drained by the pulmonary vein.

3) Nerve supply :-

1) para sympathetic :- .

2) sympathetic nerve :- 


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