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Asthma ( respiratory disorder ) lungs disease

ASTHMA   INTRODUCTION :-  -bronchial asthma is a condition in which person airway become inflamed ,narrow & swell . -it produces extra mucus . -it makes difficulty in breathing .                                 DEFINITION :-                         "bronchial asthama is a chrionic , inflammatory disease of airway which are charaterized by the obstuctions of airflow, bronchial hyperactivity reversible & mucus production to certain stimuli "  TYPE OF ASTHMA :- 1) allergic asthma  2) non -allergic  3) mixed asthma  4) cough varient  asthma  5) exercise induced asthma  6) nocturnal asthma  1) allergic asthma : - -allergic asthma is also known as atopic asthma or extrinsic asthma . -it is induced by hyper immune response to a inhalation of specific allergens. 2) non -allergic :- - ...
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pneumonia ( Rispiratory disease ) lungs

NOTES NURSING & MEDICAL STUDENTS Notes for medical student and nursing student  PNEMOUNIA :- INTRODUCTION :- -pneumonia is an infection the inflammation air sacus  in one & both the lung which feel with may be fluied or pus . -it is an describe the parenchyma or alvealar inflammation. -it is caused by the bracteria virus fungi , parasites of virious microorganisms. INCIDENSE :- - in person 65 year of age & older .                                  CLASSIFICATIONS :- 1) lobar pneumonia  2) bronchopneumonia  3) interstial pneumonia   1)lobar pneumonia :- -the lobar pneumonia include the all large or one to more segment of lobes are involven . -it is on both lungs are involven. -it is also called the bilatered or double pneumonia . 2) bronchopneumonia :-  -it begins in  terminal broncholes . 3) interstial pneumonia :- -the inflamation occurs by alveolar wa...

Tuberculosis for lung disease ( Respiratory system )

NOTES NURSING & MEDICAL STUDENTS   TUBECULOSIS  INTRODUCTION  :-  -tuberculosis in caused by bacterial infection. - the granuloma formation in infected lung tissue . - tuberculosis is caused by the mycobacterium tuberculosis . -the tuberculosis in reduce of the quality of life . -the infected person breathing can be in air droplets from caugh  sneeze .                                         DEFINITION :-                              " tuberculosis (TB) is a contagius bacterial infection that involves the lungs,but also spread to other organs " PATHOTHOLOGY :-    -due to etiological fac tors                       ! -bacterial spread to lyphatic system to lymph node              ...

Anatomy for -Gall bladder human body small

  NOTES NURSING & MEDICAL STUDENTS Notes for medical student and nursing student GALL BLADDER :- -  introduction  :- - it is pear shaped recerving of bile situated in fossa on the inferior suefaces of right lobe of liver . -the gall bladder is  7 to 10 cm long and 3 cm broad . - the capacity of gall bladder is 30 - 50 ml .                                                part of gall bladder :- 1) fundus :-  2) body :-  3) neck :-  1)  fundas  :-  - the fundas of gall bladder project beyond inferior surfaces of liver . 2)  body  :- the body of gall bladder present in the fosa of the liver . 3)  neck  :-  - it is the situated to the systic duct which carry the bile from bladder to bilary duct . 4)cystic duct :-  -  is the 3 to 4 cm long it begins the neck of gall bladder and various a...

Anatomy of pancreas (digestive system organ )

NOTES NURSING & MEDICAL STUDENTS Notes for medical student and nursing student   PANCREAS :- introduction :-  -it is capital J shaped structure it is a pale gary gland veing about 60 gram . - it is 50 to 20 cm long . - it situated in epigastric and left hypocondriac rigion . - it is a gland  that is partly secrete pancreas acidic juice . - endocrine part of pancreas hormone that is insulene .                                       External features of pancreas :-  1 ) head of pancreas  2) neck of pancreas  3) body of pancreas  4) tail of pancreas  5) duct of pancreas  1) head of pancreas :- -the head is enlarged and lies within the C shaped curve of bed . 2) neak of pancreas :-  -it is slightly constricted past which is presend between head and body of pancreas . - it is directed forward & backward  it consist two surfaces :- a) an...

Anatomy & physiology of (WBC) white blood cell

  NOTES NURSING & MEDICAL STUDENTS Notes for medical student and nursing student WBC :-     ( white blood cell )  - white blood cell or leucocyte are colourless & nucleated element of blood . - as compare to RBC the WBC are large in size & lesser in number & role in define . -mechanism of body & protect the body feom inbading microorganism by acting shoulder .                                         classification of WBC :- -some of the wbc having granule in the cytoplasm based on opresence & absence of granules it classified into two types :-  1) Granulocyte :-  2) Agranulocyte :-  1) granulocyte :- -depending upon the stainig properite of granule the granulocyte are classified three type :- a) Acidophil :-  - neutrophil with granule , taking both acidic or basic stain . b) basophil :-  - it take acidic stain . ...

Anatomy for cell in human body cell

  NOTES NURSING & MEDICAL STUDENTS Notes for medical student and nursing student C ell:- -all living things are composed of cell . -a single cell is a smallest unit that has the characteristics of the life . -cell is the basic structure  & functional unit of the body .                                          structure of cell :- -the cell is made up of three main part's :- 1) cell membrane  2) cytoplasm  3) nucleus  cell membrane :- -cell membrane is a protective sheet that enveloping the cell body it is aslo known  as plasa membrane or plasamalema . - it is made up by double leyar of phospholipids which is having a molecules of sugar and protein. -this membrane seprate the fluid outside of the cell fluid ( ECF)  and fluid present inside the the cell called as intra cellular fluid ( ICF )  - this membrane is semipermeable membrane so t...