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Digestive system ( teeth ) Anatomy

 NOTES NURSING & MEDICAL STUDENTS Notes for medical student and nursing student

  •  Teeth


         -teeth play an important role in eating ,chewing and nutrition.

         -they are different shapes and sizes to bite,tear, crush or grind

          before it is swallowed.

          -the teeth are the hardest subtances in the human body.


                                            "teeth are hard ,mineral -rich structure which are 
         used to chew food. they are not made of bone like the rest of the skeleton,
         but have  their unique structure to enable them to break down food"

                                "teeth are part of your digestive system .they break
         down foods by crushing or cutting them before you swollow.

         part of tooth:-

             1) Enamel :-  enamel is the visible subtance that cover the tooth crow.
                                  -harder than bone, ensmel protect the tooth from decay .
                                 - enamel is made up of phospharous and calcium .
            2) dentin :-  underneath the enamel you find dentin, which isbcalcified
                                and looks bone .
                              -  dentin is not quite as hard as enamel ,so it is at greter risk 
                                 for decay should the enamel wear away.

           3) cementum:-  this tissue cover the tooth root and helps anchor itin to
                                    the bone .
           4) pulp  :-pulp is found at the center of your tooth and cotains the blood 
                           vesseis .
                         - never and others soft tiisues that deliver nutrition and singles
                         to your teeth.

    *  type of tooth :- 

       1) Incisors :-- cut the food .
        2) canines :- tear the food .
       3) molars :- crush and grind the food . 


          function of teeth:--
      1) mastication :- normal tooth form and proper alignment ensure 
                                       efficiently of mastication.

            2)Esthetics :-  form  and alignment of anterior teeth physical apperance.

            3) speech :-   form and alignment of anterior and posterior teeth assist it
                                 articulation of certain sounds
            4) protection of supporting tissues:-- form and alignment of teeth assist in 
                                  sustaining the teeth in dental arches.


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